Sunday, January 26, 2020
Coaching Theoretical Principles And Models Physical Education Essay
Coaching Theoretical Principles And Models Physical Education Essay Coaching is a multi-disciplinary science, enabling the production of a strategy to enhance performance effectively by co-ordinating fundamental features. The coach is required to develop an athletes physical/technical/tactical skills. They should be able to enhance an individuals psychological/theoretical knowledge/ of a particular sport. As suggested by Bompa(1994), the optimisation of these factors is important to an athletes readiness for competition. The coach should treat each individual athlete as unique and plan training accordingly. As confirmed by Russhall(1985), the principle of training is one of seven principles of coaching. Additionally, Cross(1999), suggests individualisation is a vital component of the coaching process. The majority of coaches would consider individual athletes in their charge to be unique. Savage et al(1981) produced research data that highlighted all athletes are physiologically unique. As suggested by RushellPike(1990);Cross(1999) they will have dif ferent physiological characteristics, psychological traits and social lifestyles. The findings of McGowan et al(1990) concludes that some individualisation occurred in the training of the 1984 united states volleyball team, indicating once again the importance of identifying these traits in coaching. Therefore, coaches will obviously have to accommodate the differing needs of individual athletes, operating within a variety of environments and encountering constraints such as numerous athletes at any one time. Subsequently, these constraints may affect the overall efficacy of the coaching. As supported by Lyle(1997), each coaching process is unique for a number of reasons, an athletes differing aspirations, capabilities, personal circumstances, resources, organisational/occupational conditions within which the coach operates. As a result of various coaching demands, coaches should be able to apply numerous strategies to deal with varying situations, applying relevant experience. This aspect has been studied by Cox Noble(1989);Gould,Gianni,KraneHodge(1990), in order to obtain a clearer understanding of coaching demands, investigators have requested information from coaches about their attitudes towards coaching/adequacy of educational background/needs. In general, the studies suggest coaches face changing demands and that their educational capabilities are not clearly defined. Further studies, as suggested by Gould,Hodge,PetersonGianni(1989);Weinberg,GroveJackson(1992), identified that mental strength, positive attitude, motivation and concentration were the most important attributes needing to be addressed by coaches in order to develop an individual athletes overall skills/success. Coaching can be defined as a beneficial factor to improve competitive sports performance via a detailed planned programme of preparation/competition, Lyle (1999). This aspect, needs input from a variety of specialists in order to maintain effective coaching behaviour contributions, an athletes development may also need to be monitored. Dependent on the requirements of a particular sport, these areas may include technique/skill learning. Other factors to be considered are physiology, psychology, theoretical knowledge of a particular sport, lifestyle management to include time-management/tactics. Coaches will also be required to address the difference between the varying factors, which include the type of sport i.e. team/individual, age/gender, as some female athletes may be susceptible to certain traits such as eating disorders. There are other relevant principles for the coach to consider, some of which may be in depth. These include issues such as law, ethics, mentoring techniques, communication, detraining, injuries/overtraining and environmental safety in which the athletes perform. As suggested by Sherman Sands(1996), the principle consequence requests coaches to deliberate the potential findings, for example injury, may occur following immense training programmes. Smith,SmollHunt(1977) utilised The Coaching Behaviour Assessment (CBAS) to undertake studies to examine the impact a coachs influence may have psychologically on youngsters through sport. Subsequently, studies using this technique or an adapted version do according to AllenHowe(1998);BlackWeiss (1992) illustrates coaching behaviours do have significant influence on an athletes psychological profile. They clearly affect self-esteem, capabilities and overall fulfilment. In relation to data obtained for the CBAS, SmollSmith(1984;1989), a proposed model to study coaching behaviours in youth sport was developed. The model actually specifies in addition to the individual coach, athlete/environment that coach behaviour is influenced by player perception/recall and the ability of the coach to evaluate reactions. Furthermore, observations of a players attitude/mood state is particularly important. Subsequently, leadership style is an important factor as it enhances an individual athletes confidence and creates a quality social environment in which to learn. If a coach is able to provide effective social support for an athlete it illustrates that there is a good understanding of resources available to assist with various demands in competitive sport. If handled correctly these problems can be addressed through team building/education. Consequently, coaches will need to be flexible in order to influence an athletes perception of control. If for example, a coach adopts a collaborative style and uses it effectively, one would be able to develop confidence to achieve shared goals, helping to provide contingent reinforcement and informative feedback. The introduction of the Multidimensional Model of Leadership, Chellandurai (1984;1993) implemented a large quantity of coaching effectiveness studies. The main component of this model identifies three types of behaviour in coaches, those preferred by athletes, actual/required behaviour. These are influenced by three precedent variables, the characteristics of the coach/athletes, together with the actual situation. Subsequently, The Leadership Scale for Sport(LSS) was developed by ChellanduraiSaleh(1980) to test the specified relationship in the multidimensional model and whether it is applicable in predicating leadership effectiveness in sport. This method has been utilised extensively in sport to assess the influence of gender, age, or personality on preferred/perceived leadership. Age is key factor when planning, as it has a tremendous bearing on optimal training loads. As suggested by Hagger(1999), it is critical that coaches recognise that biological age is more relevant when pla nning training loads than chronological age. According to RushallPike (1990), athletes may respond differently to the physical environment, therefore, coaches must be able to modify training programmes to suit an individual athletes tolerance. However, as suggested by Fairs(1987), this model also has limitations that accompany a model for coaching. Lyle(1999),also suggests that difficulties may occur in a model of this type when put into practice, as its assumptions may not match existing parameters. Therefore, Cote et al(1995) devised a model of coaching with the advantage of empirical based research. This model does have similarities to the multidimensional model in that it recognises both personal characteristics and contextual factors of the coach/athlete. However, Cote et al(1995) developed this model further by adding a group of central components to include competition, training/organisation. Furthermore, a lack of theoretical structures outlining the key variables affecting the work of coaches has been identified as a critical issue lacking research. The theoretical structures proposed by SmollSmith(1984;1989);Chelladurai(1984;1993) Cote,Salmela,Trudel et al(1995) share common variables. However, they do not provide a complete account of all points affecting the coaching process. Thomas (1992) suggests by providing an account of the most important issues in the coaching process, identifying a base for establishing a general theory of coaching is achievable. In order to accomplish this goal a more comprehensive framework is required, therefore, the Coaching Model(CM) is utilised. The CM is able to recognise theoretical knowledge of coaching and incorporates six components, namely competition, organisation, training, coaches/athletes personal characteristics/ background. A cognitive approach in organising these components and their actual relationship is used to describe h ow coaches proceed to obtain their objectives of an athletes development. In general, a coach should be able to evaluate their own personal attributes and the individual athletes characteristics to establish an estimation of an athletes potential. This mental model can then be used as a tool to illustrate what types of knowledge/behaviours are essential for competition, organisation skills and training regimes. Identifying objectives can be assisted by the use of The Objectives Model, Fairs(1987), with the use of a simplistic five-step objectives model of coaching, to include the collection of data, diagnosis, planning, execution and evaluation. The fourth step, execution, is important as this provides the plan of action and at this stage the coach needs to be acquainted with the athletes overall ability. The final step, evaluation is another key point, this being when the coach needs to critically appraise the effectiveness of the coaching by assessing whether the set objectives were actually achieved. This method is founded on the understanding of the coaching process being orderly and based on a problem solving approach. If for example, the plan of action is unsuccessful, any problems need to be identified through reassessment and a revised plan prepared, as situations are currently changing. Therefore, this model is a useful tool for the education/training of coaches. Fairs(1987) suggests that a major role of the coach is to be able to recognise and solve an athletes problems and establish a scientific foundation for the method to assist in coaching, attaining a status as an independent profession. However, although simplistic in nature it does have some disadvantages, being a little limited, as suggested by Lyle(1999), this model fails to consider long-term planning, complexity o f performance and interpersonal nature of coaching relationship. Individuals drive the coaching process. Fairs(1987) suggests the method fails to appreciate the inconsistencies within this predictive model. Obviously, it is difficult for a coach to mentally maintain an athletes potential in their mind but they should be able to retain a mental representation of an athlete, images or assumptions. These models enable the coach to interact with the athlete to determine what course of action to undertake and how to behave with a particular athlete. They may consist of generalisations or complex theories. Therefore, two coaches with different mental models working with similar athletes may be able to identify various details and this information will help provide effective coaching, as they look at each situation differently. As suggested by Dishman(1983) sport psychology may suffer from an identity crisis. However, it is a noted tool to provide athletes/coaches with the required mental skills to manage the demands within training/competition, helping them to reach their full potential. FeltzKontos(2002) describes sport psychology as the study of peoples behaviour/thoughts in a sporting context. The model of Cote et al(1995) is a valuable example in this respect, as it is derived from empirical data. Within this model the prioritising of the coaching process components is important and it is evident there are significant limitations in the degree to which teaching paradigm conceptualisations of coaching adequately represent its complexity. The distinction between core/peripheral process fundamentals is similar to the distinction between direct/support intervention/ constraints management. However, the most interesting contribution is the centralisation in the model of the coaches mental mode of athlete potential. Whereas, Franks(1986), set out to propose a means of assessing the effectiveness of coaching. Although, again the focus being on direct intervention, providing the model with an episodic importance centred on skill development. One key issue of this model is the recognition of performance criteria and its use to regulate progression. Vital issues, such as performanc e are identified in a quantitative fashion both in training/competition, training being focused around incremental/differential improvements over time. With the use of continuous evaluation it is suggestive that this model would be most suited to league sports, where there is a regular cycle of preparation/competition, and performance is complex and not vulnerable to complete measurement. Therefore, the objective for a coach is to understand the value of psychological knowledge and provide theoretical context for application within a particular sport. They should be able to offer an athlete with a sense of control in an environment that promotes personal perceptions of competence and the opportunity to set goals and judge performance against realistic objectives. Coaches should allow athletes to gain confidence by achievement/personal management, together with social interaction. They should attempt to manage anxiety at an environmental/organisational level. Coaches should perhaps try to incorporate an element of fun into their training regimes. As suggested by GilbertTrudel(2004), fun is considered a key component, however, if an athlete displays any unacceptable behaviour they would undoubtedly be disciplined. Lifestyle variations will affect athletes, and coaches will need to take into account underlying stress problems. Anxiety can change in intensity/frequency and may be detrimental to performance. As stated by Hanton et al(2004);Thomas et al(2004), findings suggest that athletes can alter the way they view their mental status during lead-up to performance. Therefore, coaches need to identify and address this problem by integrating psychological skills such as goal-setting/cognitive restructuring seven days pre-competition. A positive motivational climate is another key factor in sports coaching. It refers to personality traits, social variables and is fundamental in competition. As suggested by Kingston et al(2006), the personal drive that leads individuals to innate, direct and sustain human behaviour. It can be viewed from various points, self-determination theory, DeciRyan(1985) and achievement goal theory Nicholls(1989). Both of these theories emphasise how an individual perceives certain social factors and apply themselves, both physically and quantitatively to an activity. The self-determination theory is based on the fact that individuals have a tendency towards psychological development. As suggested by DeciRyan(1985), three universal psychological needs are fundamental to motivation and mental well-being. The achievement goal theory has become one of the most popular approaches when researching motivation in sports coaching. According to Nicholls(1989) an individuals perceived competence is central to determining motivation when partaking in a coaching exercise. Confidence in sport is important too, and two approaches are relevant to the coaching process, self-efficacy Bandura(1977) and sport-confidence, Vealey,(1986;2001). Banduras(1977), self-efficacy theory is concerned with an athletes perceived ability to perform specific sports skills at a given time. This theory indicates that self-efficacy will predict performance if the athlete feels appropriate skill levels/incentives are present, thereby making it a good indicator in the coaching process. As there are obvious limitations to this theory, Vealey(1986) proposed a sport specific model of confidence. This model indicates that self-regulation;achievement and social climate are true predictors of performance through their impact on effect, behaviour and cognition. It also takes into account the indirect influence of gender, age and personality together with social and organisational factors of the development and maintance of sporting-confidence. As suggested by Vealey(2001), self-regulation is the management of ones behaviours, thoughts and feelings provide a further domain, which the coach can use to strive to foster performers confidence. Coaches should also be able to identify/analyse an athletes personality traits and work capability to find their optimum tolerance effort according to Bompa(1999). This evidence should help assist the coach in the decision making process in regards to relevant training loads. However, it should be considered that there is a limit to the physiological, anatomical development that can be achieved through training. This is confirmed by Costill et al(1992), in which suggests this is a factor probably determined by genetics. Obviously, athletes may have varying abilities with regards to strength, endurance, co-ordination and timing as a consequence of genetic/physiological development, which will play an important role the planning of coaching. In conclusion, when a coach is planning an optimal training programme individualisation is a key concept to be considered. As discussed, athletes are unique both physiological/psychologically, are able to tolerate varying environments and training regimes, together with competition goals. Therefore, the role of the coach is to direct, manage and apply relevant theories in order for them and athletes under their control to achieve their objectives and reap the rewards of success. As suggested by Fairs(1987), the intention of the model for coaching is to aid the coach in identifying/solving any problems the athlete may have whilst creating a scientific foundation in support of future research and the overall profession. The coaching process ought to be able to embrace the coach, athlete, form and nurture a good working relationship between them. To accomplish this, the coach needs to identify/enhance an athletes goals, aspirations and physical/mental abilities and apply them correctly taking into account the working environment. Once this is completed, the required intervention programme to include coordination and integration can be implemented by the coach in order to regulate progression, enhance overall performance and achieve set goals. The role of the coach, as suggested by Franks(1986), is a planner and manager of direct intervention.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Jasper Jones Essay
Values have been endorsed and challenged throughout the novel Jasper Jones written by Craig Silvey. The novel Jasper Jones was about a young, shy boy named Carlie who was confronted by an older, confident boy named Jasper Jones who needed his help. As Charlie says yes they set off into the night to where Jasper shows Charlie a young girl, Eliza Wishart, who has been beaten and hung. Throughout the novel they attempt to find out who has done this horrible act to Eliza. The values of equality and coming of age have been both endorsed and challenged. Values of equality, intelligence and acceptance of individuality have been both endorsed and challenged. The value of equality were endorsed through Jasper and Jeffery Lu who have experienced discrimination due to their differences. The values of intelligence and acceptance of individuality were both present through Charlieââ¬â¢s allusion and his differences. The value of equality being present within the character of Jeffery Lu was evident due to his characterisation. As he was a Japanese boy who lived in Australia during the time when there was large conflict between the Japanese and Australians. In the novel Jasper Jones you see Jeffery and the Lu family to be the recipient between of many racist acts towards them. ââ¬Å"Jefferyââ¬â¢s parents are Vietnamese, so heââ¬â¢s ruthlessly bullied and belted about by the boys at school.â⬠Through the characterisation of Jeffery it represents the way how Jeffery is being treated because of his differences, however he portrayed Jeffery to be a very lovable character in the novel. By doing this the readers like the character of Jeffery and reject the actions and discrimination that has been done upon him so they accept the value of equality. As Jeffery is represented to be unflappable which is portraying that all of the outcasts in the world to be strong and Silvey is depicting small Australian towns to be non-accepting of others with differences in race/ The readers are then challenging the values of the town and endorsing the values of equality. Jasper Jones has been shown by author Silvey to present the value of freedom. In the town of Corrigan Jasper is seen by the public to be a menace. All of the townspeople think that he is no good to society. With Jasper Jones you see the townââ¬â¢s people duality as they go around blaming everything that goes wrong in the town on him but cheer and shout his name out on the football field.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Little-Known Secrets to Nursing School Personal Statement Examples
The Little-Known Secrets to Nursing School Personal Statement Examples Employers don't need to waste time reading plenty of meaningless babble. Your nursing personal statement ought to be a window in your life. Locating a new job isn't just about the current moment. You may want to look at a qualifications summary which we outlined in last week's postbut if only you need to have a summaryhere are a number of examples to help you begin. The goal of your private statement is to capture the interest of busy recruiters and employers as soon as your CV is first opened. Distinct statements may change in the method of delivery. Reviewing and revising your private statement guarantees that the piece is clear, organized, and totally free of errors. In case you haven't written one before, you should start with reading our tips about how to compose a personal statement. More info about finding a statement more easily is given in our site. Use the following ideas to gather the info you will need to make an outstanding statement. Like a college essay, your private revenue statement needs to have a layout. Your nurse practitioner personal statement has to be in a position to convince the reader you have a true passion for nursing and that you are likely to put what you will learn to good use. You might find out that what you believe you want as a nursing career, isn't really what you desire! The nursing procedure encompasses everything that the nurse should effectively make decisions about the individual. As a professional nurse, you ought to be knowledgeable concerning the philosophy of nursing. Another very important part of the nursing personal statement is it must have a small but in depth review of how you have ready for the career in the area. There are three major core areas to concentrate on when writing the nursing statement. Your own personal statement should incorporate the long-term goals you've got for you career in nursing. Your objective statement ought to be able to show employers that you've got the skills, expertise, and experience they are searching for in the nurse they attempt to hire. Finding Nursing School Personal Statement Examples Online Teaching statement is a type of document that's helpful when it comes to teaching. In your own personal statement, you need to generate a connection between yourself and the position. Developing why you're so special in the remainder of the statement. When you have figured out and listed various aspects of yourself or your brand that you desire to include in the statement, you must think of a plan on the best way to proceed. You will receive all sorts of assistance from us when it regards the personal statement. Being aware of what to expect after you graduate can help you choose which program to apply for and let you target your statement or essay in a manner that will present your commitment. Our private statement examples for college give the details you want to include. The above mentioned nursing resume objective statements give various examples that it is possible to apply in making yours and improving the ability of your resume. To let you know the truth, it's not the the heart of a personal statement. The nursing statement needs a section that is devoted to how you developed the interest in the area and the way the interest got to grow. Actually, every personal nursing statement needs to be related to your career spe cifics. Whispered Nursing School Personal Statement Examples Secrets On the flip side, a good essay or private statement will allow you to stand out and boost your odds of getting admitted, even if other components of your application aren't stellar. Every application will be slightly different, so it's important to remain organized. Or, you might want to compose a personal statement as a portion of a work application. A high-quality personal statement is a crucial part of your UCAS application.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Selective Sweep Definition and Examples
Selective sweep, or genetic hitchhiking, is a genetics and evolution term that explains how alleles for favorable adaptations, and their associated alleles near them on chromosomes, become more frequently seen in a population due to natural selection. What Are Strong Alleles Natural selection works to choose the most favorable alleles for an environment in order to keep a species passing down those traits generation after generation. The more favorable the allele for the environment, the more likely the individuals that possess that allele will be to live long enough to reproduce and pass that desirable trait down to their offspring. Eventually, undesirable traits will be bred out of the population and only the strong alleles will be left to continue on. How a Selective Sweep Happens The selection of these preferred traits can be very strong. After a particularly strong selection for a trait that is the most desirable, a selective sweep will happen. Not only will the genes that code for the favorable adaptation increase in frequency and be seen more often in the population, other traits that are controlled by alleles that are close in proximity to those favorable alleles will also be selected for, whether they are good or bad adaptations. Also called genetic hitchhiking, these extra alleles come along for the selection ride. This phenomenon may be the reason why some seemingly undesirable traits get passed down, even if it does not make the population the fittest. One major misconception of how natural selection works is the idea that if only the desirable traits are selected for, then all other negatives, such as genetic diseases, should be bred out of the population. Yet, these not so favorable characteristics seem to persist. Some of this could be explained by the idea of selective sweep and genetic hitchhiking. Examples of Selective Sweep in Humans Do you know someone who is lactose intolerant? People who suffer from lactose intolerance are unable to fully digest milk or milk products like cheese and ice cream. Lactose is a type of sugar that is found in milk that requires the enzyme lactase in order to be broken down and digested. Human infants are born with lactase and can digest the lactose. However, by the time they reach adulthood, a large percentage of the human population loses the ability to produce lactase and therefore can no longer handle drinking or eating milk products. Looking Back at Our Ancestorsà About 10,000 years ago, our human ancestors learned the art of agriculture and subsequently started to domesticate animals. The domestication of cows in Europe allowed these people to use cows milk for nutrition. Over time, those individuals who had the allele to make lactase possessed the favorable trait over those who could not digest the cows milk. A selective sweep occurred for the Europeans and the ability to get nutrition from milk and milk products was highly positively selected. Therefore, the majority of Europeans possessed the ability to make lactase. Other genes hitchhiked along with this selection. In fact, researchers estimate that about a million base pairs of DNA hitchhiked along with the sequence that coded for the lactase enzyme. Another Example Is Skin Colorà Another example of a selective sweep in humans is skin color. As human ancestorsà moved from Africa where dark skin is a necessary protection against the direct ultraviolet rays of the sun, less direct sunlight meant that the dark pigments were no longer necessary for survival. Groups of these early humans moved north to Europe and Asia and gradually lost the dark pigmentation in favor of a lighter coloring for the skin. Not only was this lack of dark pigmentation favored and selected, nearby alleles that controlled the rate of metabolism hitchhiked along. Metabolic rates have been studied for different cultures all over the world and have been found to correlate very closely to the type of climate where the individual lives, much like the skin coloring genes.à à It is proposed that the skin pigmentation gene and the metabolic rate gene were involved in the same selective sweep in the early human ancestors.
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